Statutes of the Mexican Federation of Universities A.C. (FEMU)


“…Article 1. The Federation is called “MEXICAN FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITIES”, CIVIL ASSOCIATION, pudiendo usar también las siglas “FEMU” en todas sus actividades. En el curso de este documento también se le designará como forma abreviada como “FEMU“.

Article 2. “FEMU” is a non-partisan and multidisciplinary association of academics, whose objectives are:

a.-Promotion of a culture of substantive equality between women and men.

b.-Promote high-level research in areas that contribute to the social, economic and cultural development of women.

c.-Promotion through teaching and dissemination of respect for the human rights of women.

d.- Representación de Universitarias independientes y de las asociaciones afiliadas a la “FEMU” ante las autoridades federales, Universitarias y organismo o instituciones afines nacionales e internacionales.

e.- Participación de la “FEMU” en todos los ámbitos académicos, científicos y culturales a nivel nacional e internacional.

f.- Establishment of collaboration agreements with other national university associations and foreign federations in order to meet their objectives.

g. Review of the history of Mexico with a gender perspective, from the Pre-Hispanic Era to the present time, with the aim of making visible the historical work of women and their contribution to the construction of the Nation, so that the history of women in Mexico cease to be a forgotten history through the Women's Museum.

h.- Have legal personhood to acquire and use movable and immovable property to achieve its objectives.

i.- Receive all kinds of tax-free donations for the fulfillment of its purposes.

j.- Carry out all activities that affect the development of Mexican women. The social assets are subject to the fulfillment of the purposes of the corporate purpose of the Association, and cannot grant benefits on the distributable remainder to any natural person or to its members, natural or legal persons, unless, in the latter case, it is a of the legal entities referred to in article 70-B of the Income Tax Law, or it concerns the remuneration for services actually received.


Article 3. The Mexican Federation of University Women is an organization that is integrated with University Women, and with affiliated associations by area of knowledge and by Federal entities, as well as Mexico City’s.

Article 4. The duration of the “FEMU” is NINETY-NINE YEARS counted from the date of signing this deed.

Article 5. The domicile of “FEMU” is in Mexico City, without prejudice to the power to establish agencies and branches without meaning that its registered office has changed.

Article 6. The “FEMU” will have two classes of members:

I.- The active associates who will be the independent University associates.

II.- The honorary associates will be:

III.- People who, for academic and professional merit, as well as for their collaboration and support for the activities of the “FEMU”, are granted that distinction.

IV.- The affiliated associations consisting of groups of the federal entities and Mexico City.

Article 7. To be an active associate, you must be a university student with a degree, diploma or minimum bachelor's degree or its equivalent legally issued by a duly recognized national or international institution.

The interns may be part of the “FEMU”, Junior.

Article 8. The following may be designated as honorary associates:

I.- Individuals distinguished for their participation and performance in activities of social significance for the benefit of women, without being a requirement to belong to the female sex. The proposal will have to be made by three active members, approved by the Honor Council and sanctioned by the General Assembly.

II.- Representative university groups of Mexico City or federative entities of recognized prestige.

Article 9. The rights of active members are:

I.- Attend the “FEMU” Assemblies.

II.- Have voice and vote in the General Assemblies.

III.- Receive clear and truthful information regarding the agreements or resolutions made in the Assemblies to achieve the purposes and objectives of the “FEMU”.

IV.- Receive information and publications from the “FEMU”.

V.- Require and receive the services that the “FEMU” provides.

VI.- Participate in all the benefits that the “FEMU” obtains for its members.

VII.- Separate from “FEMU” without having to express the reason for doing so, giving two months' notice; however, your separation must cover the fees you owe.

Article 10. The obligations of active members are:

I.- Attend the ordinary and extraordinary Assemblies that are called by the Board of Directors.

II.- Cooperate and participate in activities to meet the objectives of the “FEMU”.

III.- Perform loyally and honestly the commissions designated by the General Assembly or the Steering Committee.

IV.- Pay punctually the ordinary fees for the support of the “FEMU”, as well as the extraordinary ones that are approved by the General Assembly:

V.- Promote the strengthening of the “FEMU”, with new members.

VI.- Collaborate with cultural academic activities, which are carried out at the Women's Museum.

Disseminate the activities carried out by the “FEMU” among the university community and society in general.

VII. – Provide the General Assembly or the Steering Committee with the reports they request, on matters of common interest.

VIII.- In general, comply with the resolutions of the General Assembly by the means at its disposal, as well as those determined by the Steering Committee according to its jurisdiction.

Article 11. The members of “FEMU” may not use its name, nor hold their representation when there is no authorization from the Steering Committee or the Honor Council.

Article 12. The associates will participate in all the activities of “FEMU”, always seeking the unity and integration of the associates.

Article 13. La “FEMU” may receive temporary visits at any time from other members of various federations or associations of Graduate Woman International “GWI”, and may attend work meetings, as well as social meetings of “FEMU”. Women's International is known by its acronym “GWI” and will hereinafter also be referred to as “GWI”.


Article 14. The supreme body of “FEMU” it is the General Assembly.

Article 15. The General Assembly is made up of all its active members.

Article 16. The General Assembly will meet every month, when the Steering Committee so determines with the prior agreement of the Honor Council. The General Assembly will preferably meet virtually, or at the “FEMU” address or in a place established by the Steering Committee subject to these Statutes.

Article 17. The General Assembly will resolve on:

I.- The matters contained in the respective Agenda.

II.- The place and date of the next ordinary Assembly.

III.- Will elect the Steering Committee from the shortlist presented by the Honor Council.

IV.- Regarding other matters that are expressly stated in these Statutes.

Article 18. The call for the General Assemblies will be made:

I.- By electronic means that must be addressed to each president of the Associations and the independent members, at least eight calendar days in advance of the holding of the ordinary Assembly and its receipt must be confirmed by the same means. If the Assembly is extraordinary, this period will be forty-eight hours in advance. The term will be calculated from the receipt of the call.

II.- The call will contain the Agenda, Place and Date of the General Assembly.

Article 19. Regardless of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Assemblies mentioned, information meetings, congresses, seminars, conferences, symposiums and other types of events that are considered appropriate will be held, with the aim of exchanging impressions and formulating studies and criteria on problems that interest everyone. the “FEMU”; In these meetings, commissions may be appointed, and in general, the holding of these meetings will be used as an active and practical means to develop the aims and objectives of the “FEMU”.

Article 20. For there to be a quorum in the General Assembly, the attendance of 30% of its active members is required, and half plus one to obtain the majority in the votes.

Article 21. Each Regional Association will promote individual membership among its members.

Article 22. Resolutions will be made by half plus one of the active members present at the Assembly and in the event of a tie, the Founding President will have the casting vote. In cases of dissolution and modification of the Statutes, the presence of the majority of the Honor Council is essential and the approval of 80% of the votes of the total number of active members present must be obtained.

Article 23. Any person who is admitted to the Assembly and who does not have the status of active member, will not have a voice or vote in the Assemblies and their presence cannot be taken into consideration for the declaration of a quorum, with the exception of university students who have the character of applicant associates, who will only have voice.

Article 24. The Ordinary General Assembly will include at least the following points in its Agenda:

I.- Report of the Steering Committee, through its President.

II.- Presentation of the balance sheet.

III.- Determination of the social fee for the following year, providing that said fee will also cover the annuity to the “GWI”.

IV.- Date and place of the next Ordinary General Assembly.


Article 25. For proper functioning, “FEMU”will be made up of the following operational and management bodies: the Honor Council and the Steering Committee.

Article 26. The Honor Council will be the body of highest authority within “FEMU”, will be made up of those university women designated honorary members by virtue of their function and university academic career.

Article 27. The Honor Council will have the following functions and powers

a. The election of the President of the Steering Committee;

b. The admission, exclusion or temporary suspension of members of the “FEMU”;

c. The election of shortlists based on the proposals formulated by the General Assembly for the members of the Steering Committee;

d. Approve the Annual Program of Activities of the “FEMU”; proposed by the Steering Committee;

and. Approve and/or propose new positions that make up the Steering Committee for its better functioning;

f. Advise and monitor the work, tasks and projects of the Steering Committee;

g. In the event of exclusion of any member, it will serve as the Council of Honor and Justice and its decision will be final.

Article 28. The Honor Council will be made up of:

a. The Founding President;

b. And other honorary members in charge of advising on the tasks of the “FEMU”.

c. The Honor Council may delegate to the Steering Committee the powers that said Council has.

d. The Council will meet at least twice a year.

Article 29. The Founding President will have, in addition to the powers of the President of the Steering Committee, the following powers and obligations:

a. Serve as permanent contact between the Honor Council and the Steering Committee;

b. Act as permanent consultative advisor to the Steering Committee.

Article 30. The Steering Committee will be in charge of the direction and administration of the “FEMU”. For this purpose, the Steering Committee will be made up of:

I. A President;

II. A Vice President for International Affairs;

III. A Vice President for National Affairs;

IV. A General Secretary

V. A Treasurer;

VI. A Comptroller;

VII. A Legal Advisor;

VIII. The Coordinators necessary to work with all the states of the Republic;

IX. The Vowels that their activities require.

Article 31. The Steering Committee will be made up of those associates elected by the General Assembly from the shortlists approved by the Council of Honor and will remain in office as long as they do not resign or are removed by the Council of Honor.

Article 32. The Steering Committee will have the powers conferred on them by the Statutes and those delegated by the Honor Council. Its decisions will be by simple majority.

a. It will coordinate all research, teaching and dissemination activities, social promotion, granting of scholarships, editorial functions and social communication;

b. The President of the Steering Committee will represent the “FEMU” in court or outside of it before all types of authorities and people including Conciliation and Arbitration Boards, articulate and absolve positions even those of a purely personal nature, file and withdraw any appeal, including the Constitutional Trial of Protection, confesses or denies claims, whether or not it complies with sentences and other judicial resolutions, formulates necessary complaints and complaints before the competent Criminal Jurisdiction Authorities, desists and grants forgiveness when appropriate, makes and receives payments, extends receipts, settlements and cancellations, sign the public and private documents that are needed with the clauses specific to the nature of the contracts that are concluded and in general to carry out whatever acts, agencies or procedures are required or are sufficient and necessary for the best management of its functions.

Article 33. The Steering Committee will meet at least twice a year and may be legally established with 50% (fifty percent) plus one of the members, in order to monitor the annual work program and will prepare the monthly report that must be render to the Honor Council in the terms established by law and these Statutes. Voting will be valid with the vote of the simple majority of the members of the Steering Committee. In the event of a tie, the President of the Steering Committee will have the casting vote.

Article 34. The Steering Committee will have the administrative powers conferred on it by the Statutes and the Internal Regulations.

Article 35. The President of the Steering Committee will have the following powers and obligations:

a. Coordinate the work of the Steering Committee according to the Annual Activity Plan.

b. Manage the assets or businesses of the “FEMU”, execute all legal, civil, administrative, and commercial acts carried out by “FEMU”, para tal efecto gozará de un PODER GENERAL PARA PLEITOS Y COBRANZA Y ACTOS DE ADMINISTRACIÓN, con todas las facultades generales y aun las especiales que conforme a la ley requieran poder o cláusula especial o expresa, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en los dos primeros párrafos del artículo 2,554 (dos mil quinientos cincuenta y cuatro) y 2,587 (dos mil quinientos ochenta y siete) ambos del Código Civil para el Distrito Federal y sus correlativos en todos los Códigos Civiles de los Estados de la República Mexicana, sin incluir la facultad de hacer cesión de bienes. De manera enunciativa estarán autorizados para comparecer ante toda clase de autoridades Administrativas, Civiles, Penales, de Trabajo y sus Auxiliares, así como ante toda clase de personas físicas y morales, articule y absuelva posiciones, aun las de carácter meramente personal, interponga y se desista de cualquier recurso, inclusive del juicio Constitucional de Amparo, confiese o niegue demandas, se conforme u no con sentencias y demás resoluciones judiciales, formule denuncias y querellas, ante las autoridades del Fuero Penal competente, se constituya en coadyuvante del Ministerio Publico, haga y reciba pagos, extienda recibos, finiquitos y cancelaciones, firme los documentos públicos y privados que se necesiten con las cláusulas propias de la naturaleza de los contratos que celebre y en general para que realice cuantos actos, agencias o diligencias fueren suficientes para el mejor ejercicio del presente mandato.

c. Carry out the operations they consider convenient for the “FEMU”; and

d. Manage the offices of the “FEMU”, with the resolutions of the Founding President to appoint workers, employees and collaborators, establishing their powers, obligations and emoluments as well as removing them.

e. Appear on behalf of the “FEMU” as an employer and with that character occur or occur in the conciliation and exceptions stage of labor trials so that they have the adequate representation required under the terms of article 876 (eight hundred and seventy-six), first and sixth sections. or any other intervention of personal representation stipulated in the Federal Labor Law; and consequently will have a GENERAL POWER FOR ACTS OF ADMINISTRATION IN LABOR MATTERS, in the terms of article eleven of the Federal Labor Law, with the necessary powers to make decisions in any conflict or controversy that arises with the employees of the Association, Therefore, they are entitled to attend, on behalf of the principal Association, the paraprocedural procedures referred to in the aforementioned ordinance, including the effects provided for in the last paragraph of and article forty-seven of the Federal Labor Law, before all classes. of local or federal authorities, may appear before any of the labor authorities, especially as provided in articles six hundred eighty-nine, six hundred ninety-two section two (Roman), six hundred ninety-three, six hundred ninety-four, six hundred ninety and five, seven hundred eighty-six, seven hundred eighty-seven, eight hundred seventy-five, eight hundred seventy-six, eight hundred seventy-eight, nine hundred eighty-two, nine hundred eighty-three, nine hundred eighty-seven and other relatives of the Federal Law of work, always enjoying the power to seek conciliation in conflicts that arise.

f. Appoint in accordance with the resolution of the Honor Council the General Secretary of the Steering Committee.

Article 36. The President of “FEMU” Steering Committee will have the following functions:

a. Propose the annual work program of “FEMU”,

b. Carry out all functions necessary to fulfill the annual program.

c. Represent the “FEMU”, in the events in which it participates and be in charge of the general direction of the work;

d. Legally represent the “FEMU”;

e. Chair the sessions of the Steering Committee;

f. Call for General Assemblies, both ordinary and extraordinary, in the terms indicated by these statutes, with prior agreement of the Honor Council;

g. Submit an annual work report to the General Assembly;

h. Exercise a casting vote in the event of a tie, on the resolutions taken in the sessions of the Steering Committee;

Yo. Strengthen ties between the “FEMU” and other members affiliated with the “GWI” as well as being in close contact with the “GWI” leadership office.

j. Agree on the annual budget in collaboration with the Treasurer and jointly present the status of the budget through the reports submitted to the General Assembly, after review by the Comptroller.

k. Exercise the reserved powers of the Steering Committee, as long as it does not determine otherwise.

l. The others conferred on it by the Law, these Statutes and those that the Ordinary General Assembly will determine.

Article 37. The Vice President for International Affairs of “FEMU” will have the following powers and obligations:

a. Assist the President of the Steering Committee in the exercise of her duties;

b. Make up for the temporary absence of the President of the Steering Committee until a new president is appointed in the terms of these statutes.

c. Ensure compliance with the resolutions of the General Assembly.

d. Fulfill international commitments;

e. The others that these statutes confer to the President of the Steering Committee.

f. Coordinate the International Relations of the “FEMU” with the “GWI”, promoting the objectives of “GWI”, for which it will be called the International Relations Coordinator, also known by the acronym “CIR”.

g. Coordinate relations with federations and associations from various countries around the world.

h. Prepare the international section of the “FEMU” newsletter.

i. The others conferred upon her by these statutes, the President of the Steering Committee and the Founding President.

Article 38. The Vice President for National Affairs of “FEMU” will have the following powers and obligations

a. Assist the President of the Steering Committee in the exercise of her duties.

b. Make up for the temporary absence of the President until a new one is appointed under the terms of these statutes.

c. Coordinate relations with coordinators and state associations.

d. Elaborar la sección Nacional del Boletín de la “FEMU”.

e. The others conferred upon her by these statutes, the President of the Steering Committee and the Founding President.

Article 39. The general secretary of the Steering Committee will have the following powers and obligations:

a. Attest to the activities carried out by the General Assembly of the Steering Committee.

b. Ensure compliance with the resolutions of the General Assembly.

c. Declare a quorum at the Assemblies

d. Assist the President and the Steering Committee in the tasks entrusted to them.

e. Prepare the minutes corresponding to the Assemblies and the meetings of the Steering Committee and

f. Comply with the functions expressly entrusted by the Steering Committee.

Article 40. The Treasurer of the Steering Committee will have the following powers and obligations:

a. Collect the dues from the members and receive any other income that corresponds to the “FEMU” and keep the accounting, having under their direct care the books, papers and documents related to the income and expenses of the “FEMU”.

b. Present annually a report on the financial status of the “FEMU” to the General Assembly, through the President of the Steering Committee of the “FEMU”.

c. Provide for the amount of fees authorized by the General Assembly to be sufficient to cover, among others, the annual fee as members of the “GWI” and

d. The others that correspond to it as Agreement of the General Assembly or the Steering Committee or the Founding President.

e. The Treasurer will have the power to issue and subscribe all types of credit instruments in which the “FEMU” is a party in the terms of article nine of the General Law of Credit Titles and Operations in operation, without prejudice to the power that for this purpose is conferred on the Founding President or the President of the Steering Committee, the latter may revoke, limit, suspend or use this power.

Article 41. The Supervision of the Association will be in charge of a Comptroller. You will have the following powers and obligations

a. Ensure the constitution and subsistence of the guarantees, reporting any irregularity to the Honor Council and the General Assembly.

b. Require administrators to provide an annual report that includes at least a financial information statement and an income statement.

c. Carry out an examination of the operations, documentation, records and other supporting evidence to regulate the operations that the law imposes on them.

d. Submit a report annually to the Honor Council, as well as to the Ordinary Annual Assembly regarding the veracity, efficiency and reasonableness of the information presented by the Steering Committee, where it would issue its opinion on whether the policies used and the criteria have been applied appropriately. .

e. Attend all sessions of the Honor Council with voice, but without vote.

f. Monitor the operations of the “FEMU”.

Article 42. The Legal Advisor of “FEMU” will have the powers and obligations delegated to her by the Honor Council and may delegate the legal representation of “FEMU” in cases deemed appropriate.

Article 43. The Coordinators of the “FEMU” will have the following powers and obligations:

a. Support the Honor Council and the Steering Committee in compliance with the Resolutions of the General Assembly and the objectives of “FEMU”.

b. Establish adequate communication with the member Federations or Associations.

c. Establish an adequate connection and cooperation with the members of the “FEMU”.

d. Provide support when requested by members in cultural events that they promote and

e. Give an annual report of its activities to the General Assembly, through the President of the Steering Committee.

Article 44. The Members of “FEMU” will have the following powers and obligations:

a. They will perform the specific functions entrusted to them by the Steering Committee.

b. They may replace the members of the Steering Committee in case of absence, with the exception of the President of the Steering Committee, who will be replaced by the Vice President.


Article 45. Las Asociadas de la “FEMU” will have the right to separate from it, with prior notice given two months in advance.

Article 46. “FEMU” Associates may only be excluded for the reasons indicated in these Statutes or by decision of the Honor Council.

Article 47. Associates who voluntarily separate or are excluded will lose all rights as associates.

Article 48. Active members may have their rights temporarily suspended for failure to comply with their obligations, or for the sole fact that they fail to pay their dues for one year. These suspensions will be submitted by the Steering Committee of the General Assembly who will be in charge of sanctioning them with prior agreement of the Honor Council. Notwithstanding the above, cooperation between members will always be sought to be able to assist whoever requires it in meeting their quota.

Article 49. The following are causes of exclusion:

a. Repeatedly failing to fulfill their obligations with “FEMU”.

b. Failure to continually comply with the regulations, Statutes or agreements of the General Assembly.

c. Not covering the corresponding fee for a period of more than one year and

d. In the above cases, prior sanction from the Honor Council will be required.


Article 50. The “FEMU” will be dissolved for the following reasons:

a. By consent of the General Assembly, prior agreement of the Honor Council, for which the approval of eighty percent of the members will be required.

b. Due to the impossibility of meeting their objectives.

Article 51. At the time of the Dissolution of the Association and with reason of the same, the entire social assets will be allocated in accordance with the resolution issued by the General Assembly, prior agreement with the Council of Honor and the Steering Committee.


Article 52. La “FEMU” is of Mexican nationality since it is constituted in accordance with the laws of the country and has its legal domicile there, the founding and future members that “FEMU” may have an agreement with the Mexican Government before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which: “no foreign person, physical or legal, may have a social participation or be the owner of shares of the company.” If any of the persons mentioned above, for any reason, acquires a shareholding, or becomes the owner of one or more shares, thus contravening the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it is agreed from now on that said acquisition will be null and void. , therefore, the social participation in question and the securities that represent it have been canceled and without any value, with the social capital being considered reduced by an amount equal to the value of the canceled participation.

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