CAMEUS is a group made up of the Mexican Federation of University Women (FEMU), the Women Graduates of the United States (WG-USA) and the Federation of University Women of Canada (CFUW). Although collaborative actions had already started since 2018, the founding of CAMEUS took place during the 33rd Triennial Assembly and Centennial of the Graduate Women International (GWI), which took place from July 25 to 28, 2019 in Geneva, Swiss. As a group of university women, the central objective of CAMEUS is to promote the development of women in Canada, Mexico and the United States as a fundamental element to achieve the comprehensive development of North America, which is why it coordinates and participates in academic and research activities through International Forums, such as those organized by the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). CAMEUS is also interested in promoting the creation of museums in some of the cities in both the United States and Canada, where UNAM already exists, taking as a model the Women's Museum in Mexico, founded and coordinated by Dr. Patricia Galeana. The FEMU group in CAMEUS is coordinated by Ms. Lucía Guzmán, and made up of Ms. Glenda Hecksher, Dr. Margarita Almada, Dr. Alicia Girón, Dr. Gloria Luz Alejandre and Mtra. Meritxell Calderón-Vargas. All of them participated in the “Recovering our Humanity” Forum that was held virtually on March 26, 2021, as part of CSW.

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