Digital magazine

Women, Law and Society

May 2024 Year20::Núm.38:: ISSN 1870-1442

Women in the face of the Covid-19 health crisis.

Women, Law and Society

May 2023 Year19::Núm.36:: ISSN 1870-1442

Education towards female empowerment and liberation.

Women, Law and Society

May 2022 Year18::Núm.34:: ISSN 1870-1442

Women as agents of cultural change

Women, Law and Society

November 2022 Year18::Núm.34:: ISSN 1870-1442

Women, citizens and their rights towards gender equality.

Women, Rights and Society

May 2021 Year16::Núm.32:: ISSN 1870-1442

Political Rights of Women.

Women, Rights and Society

November 2021 Year17::Núm.33:: ISSN 1870-1442

Women's Political Rights

Women, Rights and Society

May 2020 Year16::Núm.30:: ISSN 1870-1442

Reflections for Substantive Equality

Women, Rights and Society

November 2020 Year16::Núm.31:: ISSN 1870-1442

Access to a life free of violence

Women, Rights and Society

May 2019 Year15::Núm.28:: ISSN 1870-1442

Women's Reproductive Right

Women, Rights and Society

November 2019 Year15::Núm.29:: ISSN 1870-1442

Reproductive rights and criminalization of women.

Women, Rights and Society

May 2018 Year14::Núm.26:: ISSN 1870-1442

Female participation in the public sphere

Women, Rights and Society

November 2018 Year14::Núm.27:: ISSN 1870-1442

Current debates about abortion

Women, Rights and Society

May 2017 Year13::Núm.24:: ISSN 1870-1442

Violence against women

Women, Rights and Society

November 2017 Year13::Núm.25:: ISSN 1870-1442

Human Rights and inclusion. Pending discussions

Women, Rights and Society

May 2016 Year12::Núm.22:: ISSN 1870-1442

Women from different perspectives: literature and health.

Women, Rights and Society

November 2016 Year12::Núm.23:: ISSN 1870-1442

Women yesterday and today. Old problems and new perspectives

Women, Rights and Society

May 2015 Year11::Núm.20:: ISSN 1870-1442

Women, Rights and Society

November 2015 Year11::Núm.21:: ISSN 1870-1442

The theses on abortion at UNAM: A first approach

Norma Ubaldi Garcete

Summary As a thesis topic, abortion seems to be a coarse investigation that invites reflection in any area of knowledge. However, in our country, the lack of laws and legal arguments, as well as the limited research on this topic, slows down abortion studies at higher degree, specialty and master's levels. The challenge of the University as an Institution must be the training of analytical graduates, researchers, willing to delve into topics that are still difficult to digest in legal and social situations in our country. Problems that must be talked about for the creation of a public space, inviting analysis and debate about abortion.

The reproductive rights of indigenous women: The reality in the Costa Chica-Montaña de Guerrero

Martha Sánchez Néstor

Violence and abortion are daily problems in the lives of indigenous women according to the study 213 voices against maternal death, carried out in five states of the republic. To eradicate these evils, both the sexual and reproductive rights of women must be known and recognized. Likewise, the approach of government institutions to indigenous communities is necessary, not only to inform women about their rights but also to create new spaces and paradigms that contribute to new public policies that enrich and combat the violation of these rights.

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